Programs December 2021 Calendar Upcoming Agenda Calendar Special Events All EventsCommunity GuestsCommunity HealthGroup InterestsHolistic WorkshopsHIGHMARK WALKVaccination ClinicHighmark QUAD GamesCamp Sherwin Memorial Day WeekendCamp Sherwin Bug's Life WeekendCamp Sherwin Father's Day WeekendCamp Sherwin Mad ScientistCamp Sherwin Fourth of JulyCamp Sherwin Glow in the Dark WeekendCamp Sherwin Wet & Wild WeekendCamp Sherwin Christmas in JulySeawolves Senior Day at UPMC ParkCamp Sherwin Camper Events27th Annual Charity Golf Outing - Drive Fore AchievementKid ZoneConscious DisciplineSpecial EventsSpecial OlympicsOpen Houses and OrientationsErie Gives Day SunMonTueWedThuFriSat 12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031