Programs November 2020 Agenda Upcoming Agenda Calendar Seawolves Senior Day at UPMC Park All EventsDiabetes Self Management WorkshopHealthy Living & Wellness FairMercy Center for WomenCommunity GuestsCommunity HealthHIGHMARK WALKJoin Our TeamNational Senior Health & Fitness DayCamp Sherwin Memorial Day WeekendCamp Sherwin Mad ScientistHighmark QUAD Games Bike Training Group RideCamp Sherwin Father's Day WeekendCamp Sherwin Bug's Life WeekendCamp Sherwin Fourth of JulyHighmark QUAD Games BikeCamp Sherwin Camper EventsCamp Sherwin Christmas in JulyCamp Sherwin Wet & Wild WeekendCamp Sherwin Glow in the Dark WeekendHealth Equity Tour27th Annual Charity Golf Outing - Drive Fore AchievementHighmark QUAD Games RunHighmark QUAD Games SwimGroup InterestsHolistic WorkshopsVaccination ClinicHighmark QUAD GamesSeawolves Senior Day at UPMC ParkKid ZoneConscious DisciplineSpecial EventsSpecial OlympicsOpen Houses and OrientationsErie Gives Day Jul 26 Tue Seawolves Senior Day at UPMC Park - Game Ticket and Bus Ride 26 Tue Seawolves Senior Day at UPMC Park - Game Ticket Only